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Pet frogs for sale

Choose your dart frog
Browse through our huge collection of captive bred dart frogs of all kinds and select one that you like! We like to educate you before you purchase, so just click on each frog for an in-depth description of its origin, habitat requirements, diet, and much more! If you would still like a little help choosing your frog, watch or read Hopping into the Hobby to see our recommendations for the three best beginner dart frogs. If you still aren't sure if dart frogs are right for you, read Before You Buy, it will explain the ins and outs of being a dart frog parent.

Purchase a kit & build its home
This may seem like a daunting task, but don’t be intimidated! We have an entire line of Complete Dart Frog Kits that include everything you need to successfully house a dart frog. Before all of your supplies arrive watch our setup video to familiarize yourself with the products. Would you rather read? That’s fine, we put it in an easy-to-read guide as well!

Easy care & feeding
If you set-up your vivarium per our recommendations it’s very easy to care for! Basically, you just have to monitor and adjust the temperature and humidity to your frogs’ liking. Lucky for us, dart frogs love room temperature! You’ll also need to feed your new dart frogs. If you want to impress your friends, tell them your dart frogs are microphagus. It’s just a fancy way of saying they eat very tiny live insects! They enjoy hunting and catching their food. To get you started, we’ve put together a video of the 5 feeder insects your dart frogs will love or you can jump right into our live insects and feeders category.

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Source: www.joshsfrogs.com
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