Best Reptiles to have as pets
Large lizards make excellent pets for experienced keepers.
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The largest lizards in the world belong to the monitor family, but not all monitors make good pets. The world’s largest monitor is the Komodo dragon. According to National Geographic, Komodo dragons often reach 10 feet long and weigh up to 330 pounds. Their saliva contains 50 strains of bacteria, and bites often lead to blood poisoning. The crocodile monitor is even longer, often attaining a length of 13 feet, but most of its length is in its tail. Crocodile monitors are not poisonous, but their immense size and stubborn attitude make them less than ideal for most pet owners.
Savannah Monitor
The Savannah monitor is arguably the most docile of the large lizards. When raised in captivity and handled every day, Savannah monitors are generally tame. Savannah monitors are intelligent and prefer daily schedules and routines. The Savannah monitor can be considered an entry-level monitor, but not an entry-level lizard. Savannah monitors grow to lengths of around 4 feet and require a cage at least double the size of their bodies. They have strict requirements for heat and humidity levels. They are carnivores, and their diet in captivity generally includes mice or rats. Savannah monitors make excellent pets for those who are experienced with smaller lizards and have room for a large enclosure.
Nile Monitor
Nile monitors are best for very experienced large lizard keepers. They have a reputation for aggressiveness, but proper daily handling can turn these intelligent and curious creatures into excellent pets. They generally grow to around 5 feet, but lengths of up to 8 feet are not uncommon. Like all large lizards, they require an enclosure at least twice as long as their bodies, but as they enjoy climbing and swimming, they also need at least 8 feet in height and a water dish big enough for their bodies. Many Nile monitor owners eventually dedicate a small bedroom to their lizards. They are carnivores and require a variety of small animals in their daily diet.
Water Monitor
Second only to the Komodo dragon in size, water monitors can reach lengths of 10 feet and weights close to 100 pounds. They are generally less aggressive than Nile monitors, but their sheer size and space requirements make them most appropriate for experienced keepers. Plan ahead for an enclosure the size of a bedroom, and a daily diet that includes both rodents and fish. With frequent handling, water monitors can become tame, friendly pets.
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