Best pet for a children
Choosing the ideal pet is a complex decision. To get you off to a solid start, we asked Bob Thorne, who owns the Petland pet shop in Novi, Michigan, and has matched thousands of children and pets. Thorne suggests writing down how much free time you generally have, how much you're willing to clean up, how much space you have in and outside of your house, how often you travel, and how much you're willing to spend on your pet's care, feeding, and maintenance. Then take your list to a local pet shop, breeder, or veterinarian for a consultation.
Sure, they swim around in their own waste, spit out food, and live immersed in germs - but it all happens behind glass.
Ideal for: Kids who are brand-new to pet ownership. A popular "starter pet, " the hardy goldfish can live up to several years in cold water with no heater or filter.
But remember: One of the most common ways to send your goldfish to a premature toilet-flushing is by feeding him too much - or the wrong - food.

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